Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Camera Strap Cover with a Pocket for my (lost) Lens Cap

Sometime in the last 14 days, I lost the lens cap to my camera.  You are probably wondering what that is right there in the picture!  That is the lens cap to my 50mm lens.  I have that one and the kit lens, which I use mostly.
Isn't this a great gift idea, too?

It is not surprising that I lost it.  Typically, I pop the cap off and stick it in my pocket.  Or purse.  Or bag.  Or lay it somewhere the kids can't reach.  Sometimes I *misplace* it temporarily.  But this time.  This time is for reals.  I really can't find it.  A.n.y.w.h.e.r.e.

I really hesitate to explain how I made this for two reasons.  
~~ First, there are a hundred tutorials out there to make a camera strap cover.  For instance:  Cluck Cluck Sew, w/pockets at Simply Modern Mom and Little Big Girl Studio, w/ruffles at MaryJanes and Gaolshes, and 15 more at Tipnut!
~~ Second, the dimensions will depend on your strap and lens cap sizes.

But I think the way I made the pocket is worth mentioning.  And yes, the lens cap tucks down inside the pocket.  It is jsut peeking out right now.  So, it's not a tutorial per se, but is how I made it.

The Dimensions:  I used the width of the cap to determine the width of the strap.  Then I was careful to cut the interfacing so that it would be the finished size.

The outer fabric was about 6-7" longer than inner pocket to make the pocket.  Other than that, the fabric needs long enough to cover the strap and then add seam allowance to widths and lengths.

Here I have:  1.  Outer fabric (mine is ~33" x 4")       2.  Inner fabric (~26" x 4") 
3.  Interfacing (24" x 2.5")- two piceces 4. A small piece for pocket edge.

The Pocket:
I folded up one side of the outer fabric to make the pocket.  Now the outer fabric is the same length as the inner fabric.  Ironed the fold/pocket.  At this point, you can leave the pocket like that, edge stitch, or add a trim (what I did).  I sewed the small piece of trim on the top edge of the pocket- like you would sew on bias tape.  My piece was wider than the strap, then I cut off the excess.

The rest:
Sewed long sides.
Ironed on interfacing pieces- line up with middle seam.
(should have done this step at this point, to make it neater:) Fold in short raw edges and topstitch.
Fold long edges along interfacing.
Fold whole thing in half lengthwise.
Topstitch along long edge to close tube.  Topstitch other side to match.

So pretty much like all the other ways of making them!  And with a simple pocket!

So if I ever, find my poor lens cap again, it will have a home.

I bet I am not the only one to permanently misplace my lens cap.  
Anyone know if they sell replacements?  

I do think this would make a GREAT GIFT (maybe for my sister Emily?) if I have glossed over too many details and you want me to explain, let me know and I will do a proper tutorial.
Linking Here:
Somewhat SimpleA Crafty Soiree Transformation Thursday36th Avenue


  1. Hi, Kate

    Great idea! I am always miss placing my lens cap. I will have to make this. By the way I have pass to you an award. Click here:

    Have a great day.


  2. Thanks for sharing at A Crafty Soiree, I've featured you in tomorrow's post :)

  3. I know that this was posted a long time ago but I wanted to add that I used your tutorial and posted pictures on my blog.
    Thanks for the tutorial!

  4. Have you had trouble with your strap sliding around? I saw another tutorial that added velcro, but I'd rather not do that. I was hoping yours stayed put so I could skip the velcro. Thanks!

  5. Thank you! This was very helpful. I am glad I found yours before actually making a strap.. I didnt even think to add pockets for the lens caps!
    By the way, I did some research, you can buy replacement caps on Amazon.. even Canon or Nikon specific ones :)
    Now its time to get to sewing!

  6. This is such a clever and practical solution for keeping track of your camera's lens cap.


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