
Monday, August 15, 2011

Craft Bucket List Completed: #26 Hair Bows

Remember when I said I was going to make this bow from my Craft Bucket List?

Well, I did.

Well, I tried.

Not sure, but this may border on a craft fail.

 Ok.  Fine.  I admit it, I really struggled to make a hair bow!  Ouch.

I spent, oh, probably an hour or more cutting ribbon, looping and wrapping, and still they turned out pretty sad. How pathetic am I really?  But, they did they did get slightly better each try. And after several attempts (that I won't show you) I finally made a presentable bow. And a few more that sucked but I could still show you without being too embarrassed. I'm afraid I may be asked to turn in my craft crown if I can't master the bow.

What is my problem?
And then after making ONE bow that looked nice enough to put on my daughter, I was feeling very smarty pants and made a few more hair bows for my daughter, Stella, to wear to school.

Not completely embarrassing...

These are for pigtails if she ever lets me...

Why the hair bows all of a sudden?  I am making all of these bows and such because my older two kids are going to a new school this year- one that requires uniforms and therefore my daughter cannot wear her 27 pink headbands, bows, and clippies to school. (Last year, she got away with wearing tiaras and even headbands with antennae on them!)  These need to be school colors- red, white, blue. Sure, yes. Common colors that I can buy at any store. BUT, ever since she started wearing bows as a baby I wanted to try to make one or two.  And I just haven't.  So, maybe this is "harder" --to make a bow than to buy one...?? But I don't care. These won't be the last headbands and bows she ever wears. If I (ever) master the techniques I can make all her bows for ever and ever and ever.  Oh lucky Stella.

1 comment:

  1. Kate,

    Looks great, its fun to make bows for girls. I have one and she loves her bows.

