
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

{Craft Bucket} Adding a Swim Diaper and Dyed Shoes to My List

Have you seen these shoes? They are boring white tennis shoes dyed into awesome!  A gal named Katy at Sweet Verbena made them and I love them!  She even posted a tutorial on how to make them.  I think they have been everywhere on every blog. All the cool crafters are drooling over them. And Me too! And I really would have already made them but I can't go shopping with my kids (see yesterday's post) and I can't go shopping without them. So I don't have any shoes to dye. But I will! And when I do...they will be this cool!

Added to my Craft Bucket List!  #21

Next, I really, really need to add this to my Craft Bucket List and I really, really need to make them soon.  Like, before I need to buy another package of swim diapers!  Right now I am using some leftover swim diapers from my daughter (who has been potty trained for about 2 yrs) and my neighbor who is 6.  I know.  They are old diapers but they are doing the job.  If I thought I had a handle on when my almost-2-yr-old was going to do a number 2 I would just wait and go swimming after it happened.  But since I don't and since I don't want to clean up a "code brown" in the pool (really don't want to add that to my day) then I need the swim diapers.  It just seems so silly to buy them now when we are cloth diapering, too.  So with about 12 swim diapers left, I need to get a move on with this project here:

I found the tutorial over at Sew Mama Sew (the very first craft blog I ever read daily).  But it is made by Samantha who has a blog, making it little by little, and a store, Little Comet Tails.  With all of her awesome patterns for sale in her shop, I feel lucky to have this free tutorial!

This Swim Diaper is now #22 on my Craft Bucket List.


  1. Look! Another interesting use of old t-shirts!

  2. Ooooh Yes, Katie! Marking this idea for when I get a new pile of shirts. Which will be soon. Every shirt that was a "nice" shirt last summer is now officially stained. Perfect for a new rug...
