
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunshine Award for moi!

What a nice surprise to get the Sunshine Award from Randee at Randee's Organized Chaos.  I just love that girl!  I learned that she lives a few hours away from me.  I will be checking on her throughout tornado season!!

This is the award:

And now, as a recipient of this delightful award, I have a few rules to follow:
  • Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog. See above.
  • Answer 10 questions about yourself. See below.
  • Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers. See my list below.
  • Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated. So happy to share the love!
  • Share the love and link the person who nominated you.
1.  Favorite color?.....Blue
2.  Favorite animal?.....probably a dog
3.  Favorite number?.....4
4.  Favorite non-alcoholic drink?.....sweet tea
5.  Prefer Facebook or Twitter?.....neither really, but I don't do Twitter (yet)
6.  My passion?.....Honestly don't know what my "passion" is.  I have a LOT of interests.  Too many, I'm sure.  Perhaps I have a passion for learning new things.
7.  Prefer giving or getting presents?.....Oh, giving them!  (and I swear am not just saying that so you think I am super sweet!)  Especially if I make the gift!  I love shopping for gifts, too.  I try really hard to choose a thoughtful gift.
8.  Favorite pattern?.....Quatrefoil, at the moment.
9.  Favorite day of the week?.....FRIDAY, Friday, friday!
10.  Favorite flower?.....Fabric flowers : )

I wanted to highlight some "newer" (That term is all relative, I suppose.) blogs that I have run across in the recent weeks and months and are now in my "gotta read" list.  I like to check in with these gals as often as I can and see all they are up to.  Thought I would share my new reads with you and share this Sunshine Award with them today!

Momma to Binks and Bubble
A Crafty Bee
Goings On at the Glens
Glitter and Grunge
A Contented, Common Life
Oh Craft!
Among Other Things...
Dotted Line Crafts
Sew Easy Being Green


  1. Thank you so much for the Sunshine award! And for your kind words on my blog.
    May God richly bless you today!

  2. Thank you so much again!! xoxox You made my day!

  3. thank you so much for nominating me for the award too. Made my day.

  4. Hi Kate,
    Thank you so so much for this award. I love the name of it too. It made my day and week! Have a wonderful Easter with your family.

  5. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog and sharing this award! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
