
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Break Baby!


I really thought I was going to schedule some posts for this week while we are on spring break. I changed my mind. I wrote out a couple last night but now I have decided to hold onto them for when we get back. You can wait a week, right?

Thing is, after I post here, I like sharing on several great link parties...and checking out other bloggers' ideas from the parties...and replying to comments...and, well, honestly I just won't have time to do that this week. And that is ok! At the last minute, my husband had his trip canceled for this week so we are getting out of Dodge and looking for some fun family time!

But first we must endure a 7-8 hour car ride. Isn't there "fun" closer to home??

I will try and check in again this week. Happy Spring Break!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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