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Really? You want to know? Well, since you are here...

Hi there. I am Kate. First, a confession: I am not "creative". I am "crafty". I will make (or try to make) a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g.

I am married and have three adorable and energetic kids. I grew up with a crafty mom and a do-it-yourselfer dad and three very creative sisters. So making things is just a part of who I am.

A little background (boring part)...I have a degree in civil engineering and an MBA. I used to work as a logistics officer in the air force. Did that for about ten years. In the spring of 2010, I called it quits and resigned. It was a tough decision, but it was best for our family. So, at least for now, I am staying home with my little kids and enjoying this opportunity!

I am into everything. It is impossible for me to focus on just one type of craft. However, sewing is probably my favorite. I have been sewing, gosh, forever I think. My mom taught me when I was super little. I started out making Barbie and Cabbage Patch clothes and since then I think I have successfully sewed a bit of everything-- clothing, curtains, pillows, purses, costumes, I even recovered a sofa. Patterns and no patterns. Very often I make my own patterns. I crave the design aspect (hence the nerdy engineering degree). I am excited to share my shortcuts and explain some basic sewing skills. Most of it is just not being intimidated. (This goes for circular saws, too.) : )

Craft Whatever blog is an organized log of my craft endeavors...and whatever else is swirling in my head. I figure, if I am already making crafts, shortcutting in the kitchen, installing storm doors and picket fences (I do love power tools), baking cute little sweets for school parties, saving money, taking pictures, sewing clothes, oh and raising my kids, I might as well blog about it. I am so excited to share my ideas and tutorials here...with you!